Our Philosophy
We strive for children's holistic development in enhancing their physical, social, intellectual, and emotional development.
We provide a conducive environment, structured learning and learn through play activities. Children will have opportunities to explore and experiment to enhance their learning.
They will have opportunities to gain self confidence and develop positive characteristics through the established and efficient teaching foundations created towards a healthy development.
Our Code Value
We respect and embrace each child's individuality, by nurturing each child to their full potenital according to their needs, interest, learning pace and style.
Dayspring Family provides a supportive and conducive environment in which children can learn, play and hone their skills.
We believe that children should be given the opportunity to gain self-confidence and develop positive characteristics through social interactions and activities.
Our Mission
At Dayspring Kindergarten, we nurture each child physically, mentally, creatively by developing their cognitive ability and motor skills through our unique learning pedagogy and interactive playgroups.
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